Humans are all the same, no matter the race, colours or religion. We will always want more and never be happy with what we have. What you are earning RM2,000, you think it is not enough and want a job that pays double it asap. You have a normal Kancil that serves you for years but now you are earning more, you want a MPV that can fetch whole family at one go. If you are married with a virtuous wife, you think of that beautiful sexy girl you chance of recently. I know this is not a good example, however, that's how the world goes, isn't it. Due to this inner desire to progress, our society gets better and more convenient, but at the same time, brings out the ugly greed in us.
As for me, I have always wanted a double story house with a spacious garden so that I can rear a couple of dogs to roam freely. An fully air-conditioned house to beat the dreadful heat over here.
Then I started to study a bit about spirituality taught by Marie Callas. I realized that having a big house means having a lot of 'stuff'. Have you ever noticed how we purchase things to fill up our space? If we have large closets and bureaus -- we fill them with clothing. If we have many kitchen cabinets -- we fill them with dinnerware, silverware, bowls and pots and soon undesirable clutters fill up the house if there is no care. This will block the flow of prosperity in your house.
Does all of this sound like we need to give up what we want? Perhaps not, perhaps it means enjoying a simpler life -- a life that is a bit quieter, a bit less hurried, a bit more peaceful -- a bit more introspective. When we begin to look inward to what we really desire, to what truly fulfills us -- we stop expecting other things, other people, other situations to give us what has always been within -- what has always been most meaningful -- what has always been in our hearts.
Friday, March 5, 2010
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