Monday, July 30, 2007

Iraq: new Asian Champions!

This is really what fairytale from the sporting world is all about. Don't you think so?

Iraq, a nation torn apart by sectarian violence with bombs going off almost everyday killing many people, has become the new Asian football champions after beating Saudi 1-0 in the final.

For some surreal moments, the people there sang and danced united. This shows that sports is the only thing that can really unite the races and religions and turned people sane for the moment while the game is going on.

This is a spiritual lesson and experience for the whole world.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Meditate for a good sleep

You had a long and stressful day at work and now you are ready to relax and prepare yourself for bed. But somehow, your mind just wouldn’t switch off. You’re still thinking of the events that happened at work today, or are worried about the important meeting you’re going to have tomorrow.

The above scenario happens to many people as most of us experience some form of insomnia at some stage of our lives. Factors like work stress, a newborn child, or illness can add physical and emotional anxiety to our lives, robbing us of the quality sleep that we badly need in order to function properly.

A very effective method to calm our minds is through meditation. I meditate as much as I can from the instructions Marie Callas has taught.

There are many types of meditation, and different people do it for different reasons. For me, meditation relieves stress, restores inner peace and promotes a healthier state. Meditation is also especially helpful if I want to fall asleep. Think about it.. it really helps.

Generally, I sit in a quiet location free from distraction, dim the lights, put my feet firmly on the floor, wear loose clothing that would not restrict breathing, and close my eyes. Sometimes I play some soft background music and it takes about 10 to 15 mins.

Well, temporary or not, meditation will still be useful if it can just give us those extra few hours of sleep and make the quality of our lives slightly better. Try it to see if it works for you.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Finding Happiness

Working 24/7 will not help you to be really happy unless you are workaholic. But, it is also true that, we should find joy in your work so that we will not dread working. That another skill we need to learn. But, let’s focus on enjoying today.

Take some time out and delicate the time to your favorite hobby or sports. I personally love to play soccer and watch animations. I find that when I am engross in the things I love, my mind sort of forget everything about the reality. Problems are gone! My heart becomes as light as a feather and I would laugh at myself at times. I was really enjoying and having fun! The most important thing is that I am HAPPY.

It may be short term happiness but please gives your mind and heart time to relax and enjoy too. In the long run, your heart and mind are also healthier. In addition, you will look forward in enjoying your favorite pastime and life becomes easier as well as happier.

The pursuit of happiness is not just about having everything you ever wanted, but also personal space that you can distress and enjoy at times. Now, spare some time for your hobby, I am sure they miss you as well.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Looking for "Instant" Success

It seems like youngsters and kids nowadays don't have much hunger in their bellies.

Why do I say that?

My oldest boy, who is 8 year-old, is slightly worrying me. He has this growing habit of everything being served to him in a silver platter. I know he is still young you may say. Well, that is where the habit may stick to him forever! As a father I can only send him to the doorstep and encourage him to step in but if he is hesitant or lazy to go in himself, that's where problems will come.

I don't really like people to have a dependent mindset on others as I prefer everyone to be independent when it comes to grinding things out. Right, a team discussion is understandable when there are some problems, and that's what I like. And that's what I tell my juniors when they come to me for problems.

For them, the unknown is not worth trying, and leaving your comfort zone is a bad decision. Instant result and success are what they want, but they forget there's always a series of hardwork before anyone can taste the success.

Do you know people in your life who don't want to work hard and just want success NOW?

Monday, July 16, 2007


Weekend came and passed by extremely quickly, even before I could truly give myself a real rest. I hope all of you have a great time when your precious weekends.

Yup, the weather is really swelteringly hot, and everyone smells weird if you bump them in a crowded life, even those SYT! * Praying very hard for 2 days of non stop rain * Which is the reason why you can see so many people rushing up the 'mountains' to enjoy at the colder air at GH.

Don't much much luck last one or two months as well, but I'm not blaming Marie or anyone. Actually I should feel grateful to Marie Callas because I have won more money on lotteries on the first 5 months of this year than the amount I won with all the past few years totalled.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Psychic Protection - Why we need it

We all like to project ourselves as strong and steady, confident-looking, giving people around you some sense of charisma, that is what many people are looking for. Yet, we rely on each other in more ways than we care to admit.

Some of the people may be loners, or self-proclaimed loners who don't need people's company, but, they can't escape the basic fact that we are all linked and reliant upon each other. This is mankind. We are living things that live in herds. Psychic energy links us to one another in an invisible way.

We are experience sadness together when something tragic is reported in the news media, that's a good example of the psychic linking energy we all experience. Yet, we still continue to fight and dislike each other in an almost primitive way.

Our psychic energy is drained lower than normal when we experience something very tragic personally, like visiting a struggling family member in the hospital. That's the reason why we all need psychic protection. Because we are all psychic in nature!

Why? At some point we will come across someone else’s negative thoughts and feelings nearly everyday, this is known as psychic attack. Most of us living in cities teeming with people and there are high chances we can meet psychic attack anytime. This creates even more bad energies to other people around us. Spiritually we need to be protected too. That's why I work with Marie Callas who has given me great advices so far.

Even our houses we stay in may harbour negative waves that impair our spiritual strengths in the most unknown way like feeling moody, foul moods, depressing states etc. This type of bad energies can be cleared as I have mentioned earlier via good fengshui or you can use Maria Callas positive harmoniser which works great for me!

Besides these, there are a few other ways to guard yourself against psychic attacks, like meditations, practise spirituality techniques or simply be a strong will and concentration.

I wish everyone safe and strong.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Transformers 2007

Last one week or so, this movie has been the talk of the town.. That's right,it's of course Transformers. My friends and colleagues talked about it when we met up, my kids pestered me to bring them ever since it was released.

Finally I brought them to watch it over the weekend at Shaw Centrepoint. Man, I think it was a full house and I admit I had not stepped into a cinema for many months. It felt kinda weird when you suddenly found yourself sitting amidst so many people.

Funny, I don't really remember watching this cartoon when I was as kid. I just had pieces of memory here and there. That's why I found it hard to relate as my impression of it is so little. I know I never missed watching it with my brother but I just can't remember the details at all.

Well, many people say this is the movie of the year so far, so I was kind of expecting a great show. Well, the computer graphics are awesome I admit, however, the storyline just sucks, and there are a few scene where the ideas looked so copied from other films. So how can it be the movie of the year when its just pure actions thrown in with some humour?

But my kids certainly enjoyed that! But I think this film will remain in the memory of many people as a very successful commercial movie.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Marie Callas website

There is a Marie Callas website out there. Finally it's good to see Marie's website. The colour of the site is dark on colour but the font is clear enough to be seen and read. You can see her picture too if you are wondering how she looks like.

The news is that if you from Malaysia, Australia or UK, then you can receive a free Marie Callas talisman if you tell her your date of birth and name. I think Marie Callas is using some numerology and astrology techniques she is good at to personalise a talisman specially for you based on the info you have submitted. That's why I know of because I have a talisman of hers and I carry it around all the time to bring good luck. It works certainly for my case.