Thursday, April 5, 2007

Getting luckier

Marie Callas says that by removing the block between you and luck, your life will enjoy good fortunes as God wants everyone to be abundant and prosperous. When this block is removed, energy of luck and prosperity will come to you easily. I read this somewhere in one of her products I have subscribed to.

I think my block between luck and me is lowering gradually as I feel I am getting luckier over time. This change in thinking is very important because it defines the success and failure. Most people will utter they are 'unlucky', 'luckless' or 'no luck'. Subconsciously, they are already losing out as this really means luck may not come to them that easily. That's the power of Marie Callas positive teachings!

I say I'm getting luckier is because a traffic police caught me for not wearing the safety belt and instead of summoning me, he just let me go but smiled at me and said "lain kali tak mahu"!

I'm really in luck! Thanks Marie Callas.