Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In Eyes of the Beholder

All of us are very unique and that is exactly how the Creator designed each and every to be.

There is a common saying "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder", each of us has an idea of how pretty someone or something appears physically. Comparatively, this could mean you may think Megan Fox looks stunning but another person may find her ordinary (yes, I have a friend who thinks she's ugly!). In the end, it just does not really matter as everything is entitled to own opinion.

We are sometimes weakened by people's opinion of how we look. The question to asked ourselves first is "Do I love myself?", the answer should be YES but if it is not,we have to deal with that. Then we need to sift out the right opinions from the nonsense. Taking only the constructive ones and trash the destructive ones because it will do us no good. We do not need to look like someone else in order to be happy good looking. Even the prettiest model can have inferiority complex.

Nevertheless, I believe in being healthy(taking care of our body) and dressing right. So if you work out because you want to stay fit, by all means, go for it.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Movie Time - GI Joe

Last Sunday I brought my family to watch the GI Joe movie. It was certainly an action packed right from the beginning to the moment right till the end. Since young, I had always like these cartoon series, and happy that they have finally adapted it into a featured movie.

As usual, you won't be disappointed by the CGI and action sequence. But somehow, it has a sense of deja vu for some scenes, sort of like seeing those somewhere in other movies, but i just can't remember which one. The most magnificent is of course the one in which the Eiffel Tower was destroyed. Awesome! Yeah, the invisible cloak was like taken from Harry Potter and some were like Transformer 2.

In the end though, all of us thoroughly enjoyed the time. It's just a quality family time and outing. It has been sometime since we have a movie together.