Since the beginning of time, we as human beings have been curious about the future. For aeons people have tried to predict the future. Can psychics predict the future? Yes, they can . . . sort of . . . and no, they cannot. The truth is that psychics, or anyone with highly developed intuition, can predict only the probable future. The future is precarious. It is constantly changing, or rather, what would be the future at any given moment in time is in a constant state of flux.
We create our own futures through our intentions, thoughts, words and actions. Free will gives us the ability to do so. Every thought we think sets up a vibration which, if left undisturbed or uninfluenced by other energies, will attract to it a like energy or vibration. Thoughts, intentions, beliefs and words are all forms of energy and all capable of manifesting or creating an event or circumstance in our lives. These same thoughts, intentions and beliefs are constantly changing. The changes in our thoughts are what change the future. Even as we create one "future" with our thoughts, etc., we are changing that already-created future by our next thought.
While there is no such thing as predestination, or a fixed future, it often seems as though things that happen in our lives were, indeed, predestined. Many of the events that take place in our lives (which necessarily were created by us in the past) seem to be something we would never have created had we had a choice. Why does it seem like this? Because many of the things that happen in our lives were created by a thought or belief that took place in the distant past, or by a thought or belief residing in our subconscious mind. Many of these events that occur as a result of a past belief or subconscious belief seem totally unrelated to anything we have thought about or intended to have happen in our lives. Our conscious mind often cannot grasp the relation between something that happens in our lives and the distant belief that created that event.
Everything in the Universe is energy in one form or another. Everything that happens happens because an energy pattern (vibration) was sent out either by us or by someone else that resulted in the occurrence of that event. Events that seem to come "out of the blue" are often those events which we set up, or put into motion, in the past . . . either earlier in this lifetime or in some other lifetime. If many of the events in our lives were put into motion in another lifetime, are we not then subject to a sort of "fate" or predestined life? The answer to this question would be "yes" if we did not have free will. However, because we do have free will, we have the ability to override the energy patterns currently in place, those which if left undisturbed would create a future based on energy patterns or vibrations originating in the past, with new energy patterns created by new thoughts or deeds.
Not only do we create our lives by allowing past energy patterns to emerge unobstructed in the present, but we also create our lives by allowing our subconscious minds to dictate what we will create. We can create our lives by default . . . allowing our subconscious minds to create events . . . or we can override our subconscious mind by making conscious choices about our beliefs and thoughts, thereby consciously creating our lives. I really do not like the idea of my subconscious mind being in the driver's seat of my life. Heaven only knows what beliefs and fears reside in my subconscious mind or to what degree those beliefs might conflict with my conscious beliefs.
If we have the power to override both our subconscious desires, those that often create our lives, and the energy patterns which were set in motion in the past (both the recent and the distant past), doesn't it make sense that it would be helpful to know both what our subconscious beliefs, desires and fears are and what the energy patterns coming from the past look like? If we had access to such information, we would be in a position to pick and choose which parts of the "probable" future we have already created we would like to change and to change our "probable" future into one that might be more to our liking. Enter the psychic (or tarot reader or astrologer or anyone else who is able to tune into the "unseen" energies around us.)
A psychic (a good one, that is) can tell you what energy patterns were set up in the past and what "probable" future they have created for you. He or she can also help you uncover those subconscious fears, desires, beliefs, emotions and intentions that are contributing to your current "probable" future. Discovering such information can put your future back into your "conscious hands" so to speak by allowing you the opportunity to make conscious choices about how you would like your future to unfold. It is always possible to consciously override our subconscious. It may not always be easy, but it is always possible.
Our futures are constantly changing. Not only do our past and our present subconscious and conscious thoughts and beliefs influence our future, but so do the energies of other people. We are not the only ones exercising free will from one moment to the next. The rest of the world is also exerting free will from one moment to the next and their exertion of their free will can influence or change our own probable future. Reading the energy of those whose energy is influencing your own life is another thing that a psychic can do to assist you in creating your own future. Learning what influences the people around you are exerting upon your life allows you to make conscious choices about the amount of influence you are willing to continue to allow them to have upon your probable future.
Psychic ability has to do primarily with sensing and interpreting energy and since everything in the Universe is energy in one form or another, someone who can read and interpret energy that you yourself are unable to perceive can assist you in sorting out what (beliefs, thoughts, emotions, intentions and desires) and who are having an impact upon your future. When a psychic tells you about an event in your "probable" future, you can choose to do nothing and allow that probable future to unfold unchanged through any conscious intent on your part, or you can choose to change that future by overriding other energies with your own conscious and intentional thoughtform energy.
Back to the future, or rather "probable" future. Can anyone predict the future? The answer is both "yes" and "no." No one can absolutely predict either your future or the future. Too many energies constantly shift and change and influence the future for anyone to predict what is going to happen at a fixed point in the future. However, it is possible to read the energies and energy patterns that are in place right now, those that at this moment in time are creating a "probable" future, and determine what might happen in the future if absolutely nothing changed between now and then. This is the best anyone can do, and while "predicting the future" is not really possible, it can be very beneficial to you to learn what your probable future is because knowing what your probable future is allows you the opportunity to exert the influence of your free will and conscious mind upon that future in order to change it more to your liking.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Can future really be predicted?
This is an excellent article by Sarah Binkelman. It discusses in much details about the future prediction. I am sure many of people will be keen to understand is this really possible. It a long article though. Take your time because weekend is here!
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