Sunday, July 8, 2007

Transformers 2007

Last one week or so, this movie has been the talk of the town.. That's right,it's of course Transformers. My friends and colleagues talked about it when we met up, my kids pestered me to bring them ever since it was released.

Finally I brought them to watch it over the weekend at Shaw Centrepoint. Man, I think it was a full house and I admit I had not stepped into a cinema for many months. It felt kinda weird when you suddenly found yourself sitting amidst so many people.

Funny, I don't really remember watching this cartoon when I was as kid. I just had pieces of memory here and there. That's why I found it hard to relate as my impression of it is so little. I know I never missed watching it with my brother but I just can't remember the details at all.

Well, many people say this is the movie of the year so far, so I was kind of expecting a great show. Well, the computer graphics are awesome I admit, however, the storyline just sucks, and there are a few scene where the ideas looked so copied from other films. So how can it be the movie of the year when its just pure actions thrown in with some humour?

But my kids certainly enjoyed that! But I think this film will remain in the memory of many people as a very successful commercial movie.