Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Psychic Protection - Why we need it

We all like to project ourselves as strong and steady, confident-looking, giving people around you some sense of charisma, that is what many people are looking for. Yet, we rely on each other in more ways than we care to admit.

Some of the people may be loners, or self-proclaimed loners who don't need people's company, but, they can't escape the basic fact that we are all linked and reliant upon each other. This is mankind. We are living things that live in herds. Psychic energy links us to one another in an invisible way.

We are experience sadness together when something tragic is reported in the news media, that's a good example of the psychic linking energy we all experience. Yet, we still continue to fight and dislike each other in an almost primitive way.

Our psychic energy is drained lower than normal when we experience something very tragic personally, like visiting a struggling family member in the hospital. That's the reason why we all need psychic protection. Because we are all psychic in nature!

Why? At some point we will come across someone else’s negative thoughts and feelings nearly everyday, this is known as psychic attack. Most of us living in cities teeming with people and there are high chances we can meet psychic attack anytime. This creates even more bad energies to other people around us. Spiritually we need to be protected too. That's why I work with Marie Callas who has given me great advices so far.

Even our houses we stay in may harbour negative waves that impair our spiritual strengths in the most unknown way like feeling moody, foul moods, depressing states etc. This type of bad energies can be cleared as I have mentioned earlier via good fengshui or you can use Maria Callas positive harmoniser which works great for me!

Besides these, there are a few other ways to guard yourself against psychic attacks, like meditations, practise spirituality techniques or simply be a strong will and concentration.

I wish everyone safe and strong.

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