Monday, December 29, 2008

Looking back...

Marie Callas 20082008 is ending soon, in just a few days. This is really a tumultuous year. In fact, every year is chaotic in terms of world events. Negative big events are always hogging the headlines each year. This year is dominated by the financial crashes, and the US election and the Mumbai hotel siege. Despite these, I am sure there are happy events around too.

It is always happiness and sadness taking turns to appear in life. Nothing is the same all the time. We seek to be happy no matter what's the background we from. Hence, when we look back, they give us great joy and pleasure to see and feel how things used to be in the past.

Most importantly, the right attitude is that do not assume that your future will be bad just because you have a tragic past. If you think in this way, you are basically telling your mind what kind of life you wish to have in the future.

So as you look back into the past while you are thinking about your life, do you recall more of your good times or more of those bad times?

Do you know that by stirring up old memories often, especially those bad old memories, we are making a conscious renewed contact with the involutive force of the Universe?

Some people just do not let go of the bad times and experience and constantly replay it in their minds, and in the end, getting disillusioned or are full of vengeance.

By focusing some your positive experiences is a great way to heal your past wounds spiritually. Throwing always those sad memories right to the deepest depth of your mind will surely make you let go of those hurtful and caustic moments of your life.

Replace it with new ones full of inspirations and happiness. It is an empowering way to embrace life and move on. This is the key that opens your life to happiness and inner peace.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Talking to myself

Sometimes I talk to myself. No, I'm not mad. Yes, it does freak my wife out when i talk to no one but myself suddenly. Really, when i do that, i'm just self talking to myself so that I can sort my thoughts out. I find it easier to make a decision when I do that. This is nothing crazy at all.

In fact, I recommend people to do that. For example, before your semester presentation, do to a corner and tell yourself, you can do it and you are going to impress the teachers in your presentation. Successful people do that constantly i read somewhere. They encourage themselves, give themselves surprises and presents as forms of positive self support. When they face problems, they do not falter easily. Their positive self-talk give them much confidence and prod them to move forward bravely.

This is one way to push yourself on, so that in really adverse time, when you are alone, you still maintain that fire in your belly to drive on, so sticking to something you passionately believe is possible.

Believe in yourself positively. Have a firm grip of your mind so that it works for your positively. Yes, positive self-talking will change your perception of yourself.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Success in Life - 8 pointers

How true they revealed by Marie Callas about success.

Here they go:

1. Support yourself and your world with a Divine purpose and a mission. Have a mission statement and vision; have an intention and goals. Write this down and review it and visualize it several times a day, particularly when you first wake up in the morning and before your go to bed at night.

2. Your attitude and inner conversation with yourself can make or break your momentum. Stop yourself from negative thoughts and words, people and places, actions and things. The Law of Attraction will bring to you what you focus on and what you feel. Do not trust and buy what the TVs and newspaper are trying to selling you. Begin to pay attention to what you are feeding your subconscious mind. I know it's not easy because am constantly being bombarded by them all the times.

3. Aware of your subconscious power - your success is dependent on it, since. As a young kid, many habits and traits are picked up from parents or other people. It's stick on you when you grow older. Need to change your negative subconscious before any successes can be sniffed.

4. Dedicate time to being balanced in ALL areas of your life, including eat well; exercise well; sleep well.

5. Give your time, or money if you can. Help out less fortunates generously and also help yourself. Start your day with 15-20 minutes of quiet time to go within yourself to recharge and to listen to your intuition. Spend the last 15-20 minutes before bedtime relaxing your mind by meditating or reading something for self-improvement.

6. SAY THANKS about what you have in life. Have that sense of gratitude for you have and the things that happen to you in your life for your greater growth and mastery. See obstacles as opportunities to grow rather than road blocks holding you back.

7. Forgive yourself and others for anything that you have done or that they have done to you. Do not hold onto grudges, resentments, anger, or retaliation. True freedom is forgiveness for the past.

8. Spread love, compassion, motivation and inspiration whenever you go. People will like you and that's how success will come too.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Success means...

For most people, success means possession of wealth, prestige or status. By these criteria alone, the majority of us would not qualify. Yet the truth is that success is really a subjective perception. In other words, it is all in the mind. If one thinks one is successful, that perception is valid by one's own reckoning.

The fact is that no-one is perfect and no-one can do everything well. It is sufficient that each one of us does our best. Within the individual limitations or constraints that each one of us finds ourselves; and to the extent of our knowledge, capabilities and skills; when we do our best, we have indeed achieved success.

This approach is what I like to call success thinking supported by appropriate actions. It combines positive thinking with reality, and espouses practical methods of achieving success in a progressive, comfortable way. So there is no hype, no magic formula, and no instant solutions.

There is real work involved to achieve individual success targets whether these be lofty ambitions or something as simple as cooking a good meal. No matter what the goal, everything has to begin with the right thinking because this is a prerequisite to the right behaviors and actions to actually bring about the right outcomes.

The exciting thing about the human potential is that we can all continue to learn to be better in our chosen activities. This allows us all to achieve increasing levels of success as our thinking improves and our actions help us go beyond original targets and set higher ones.

I hope these reflections can encourage those who may be struggling in their lives to believe that solutions exist for all problems and that these can be discovered with the right thinking and mindset. The solutions then point to actions that must be taken. If we follow this path with our best efforts, we can be sure that we can achieve the success we have defined for ourselves.

Gerard Wong and his wife run a website focusing on success thinking and actions. It is dedicated to stimulate and encourage the development of practical and creative thinking strategies that can lead to personal success as defined by the individual. If you find this article interesting, please visit the website and get a free ebook when you subscribe to their newsletter.

Article Source:

Friday, September 26, 2008

Make Peace now..

The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself he becomes wise. ~Alden Nowlan

Are regrets, bad memories, or losses keeping you from enjoying each new day? Is the past keeping you from moving into the future with hope and anticipation?

I recently heard a man say that it was not until he made peace with his past that he truly began to live. It changed his life so drastically that everyone noticed there was something different about him. It was not until 20 years after losing his father that he began to grieve the loss for the first time. He finally allowed himself to face his past with all the anger and pain. There was so much that he missed out on. There were lost opportunities and things that would never be, so many regrets, poor choices, and bad experiences that would affect the rest of his life.

Marie Callas Peace

This man went through a process of acceptance and forgiveness. He felt the pain. He felt the anger. He mourned what was and could have been. And then, he released it. He made peace with his past, and he was ready to move on with his life. Suddenly, new opportunities before him became exciting. He began to fully appreciate what he had, the people in his life, and what he had become. He began to hope for a better and brighter future. He was ready to give more of himself to others. And he began to enjoy his life more and more.

For the first time since he could remember, he felt free-free of burdens from the past, free of unresolved pain, free of bitterness and self-pity. He was free indeed! He was free to enjoy his life, his family, and all that he had like never before. The past would no longer steal his joy and hope. It could not hold him back, and it was not going to keep him down any longer.

Is your past keeping you from fully enjoying your life? Sometimes we do not stop and think about it. Just like the man described above, we might have regrets, unresolved pain, sorrow, anger, or unforgiveness. These things keep us bound to the past. The past does not have to negatively influence our future. We can release it as we face it, deal with the emotions, come to accept what was and now is, and forgive our past.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Human motivations

Human motivation is fascinating. One moment the mind could be down and deflated, but when one meets a great positive source, suddenly, the same mind could just wake up and be something drastically different!

Marie Callas on MotivationsPeople have wondered what brings people to the top, so experts say it is all about human motivations. Successful life coaches like Andrew Carnegie are superb motivators. Great football coaches like SAF or AW are excellent motivators who have few peers in their circle. With motivation, an ordinary player can play at a higher level, while a talented play er without motivation is a dead cog. Same thing happens in workplace. A company full of motivated workers with a common vision forms an important ingredient for success.

Marie Callas that when individuals undergo mental turmoil, encounter negative situations, or problems in life, the mental turmoil makes some individuals want to visit a psychic or an astrologer to get some good predictions on the months ahead. Well, God helps those who help themselves.

Motivation may not be permanent. To keep the lamp of motivation burning it is vital that we read some thing inspiring and motivating everyday to set the spiritual tone for the day. With motivation, no sane people can be labelled as useless.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Positive Affirmations

Marie Callas says that by practising positive affirmations, it may have a drastic impact in your life. Doing so has certainly made a bit of differences in my life. When I started to use positive affirmations in my life I started by visualising what I want to have and I used positive affirmation to communicate my goals to the subconscious mind.

If you were to ask me how it works this would be very hard to say but I can say it does work if you apply action to your positive affirmations.

Here is a video on positive affirmations which I found at at youtube. You can use them or modify it for your own use.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Our siamese twin - Ego

Humbleness is always one of my virtues in my view and I am thinking is it because of my background (I come from a poor family) that makes me humble. Strictly speaking, I have yet seen something who comes from a rich background and who are able to mix with us well. My aim is to be well off one day and I wonder when that happens, will I change due to stronger ego? Is ego proportional to wealth?

Marie Callas EgoSeen commonly in TV shows where a poor guy suddenly has that superiority complex when successes comes to him. Marie Callas reminds that on the path to reach higher spiritual path, one must be able to put down one's ego in order to reach a higher spiritual level. I wonder if I can do that at times..

What is EGO actually?

Essentially EGO equals your self-image and it is the you who you think you are.

Take a simple example. If your friend calls you a stupid person for believing in that story, you get displeased, aren't you. Why? Because it's a challenge to your self-image and your ego tells you you are not stupid, so you get unhappy!

Hence, Marie Callas is smart enough to say EGO is your Siamese Twins that is constantly drawing your attention, chiding you, making fun of you and ultimately, making you to perceive yourself to be better than someone else.

So is EGO bad?

I feel a bit is ego is beneficial to the self-esteem but too much of it will ruin you socially and spiritually. People will begin to steer clear of you and those who are around you are only with you because they have some benefits to gain off you.

Marie Callas says the only way is to disallow your ego from hitting the roof is to stop feeding it with more nourishment. I will remember her wise teaching.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beautiful sight

I am currently relaxing here..

..all thanks to Marie Callas.
Malaysia does have some beautiful beaches in the world. I love this place and its feel.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The path of truth

Everyone wants wealth, health and happiness but unfortunately few people actually accomplish it. To most people these three sought after liberties are only a dream never to be realized. The world seems to be spinning out of control. There are chaos, wars, famine, bad weather, earthquakes, escalating living costs, moral issues, corrupt governments, religious fanatism, and loss of hope. The outlook seems extremely bleak. I read somewhere that world is ending in 2012. Another of those prophetic predictions again?

Do you still think there is hope? Perhaps there is.....The time has come to know truth.

Let us, dive into the deep waters of our own nature and its connection with life. Life filled with happiness and peace., and if the windows of heaven were to open, blessings would pour out so abundantly there would not be enough room to receive them. Wouldn't it be wonderful?

People would begin to talk, think and act in the confidence that there were a Higher Being providing for them on their life's journey. Just think of a world where everyone's actions were expressions of truths that demonstrated peace, health, happiness and harmony.

We also discover there is consciousness, a subconscious mind and a material body. In man's self-conscious mind is the power of realization. Man is an instrument of perception where ideas are born and reality is the result.

The self-knowing mind of man expresses itself in every thought, deed or act, and this is truly the only guarantee of individuality.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Energy centres in our body

The clairvoyant, Marie Callas, says that we are energy body, which without it, we can't be present physically. Then there are seven centres called chakra in the energy body. It is interesting to note the it comes from Indian origin and spirituality studies.

Chakras interact with one another in the energy body, and we are totally oblivious to its functioning. When we are not well spiritually, maybe one or more of the "centres" are not functioning as they should be, hence energies can't flow well.

They also determine how you behave, feel, sense, see, level of intuition and even your general health! So chakras are an important area in spirituality. The more open the chakras are, the better you are spiritually as you can interact more with the universal forces around.

Interesting, huh?

The paradox is that, somehow, chakras cannot be too opened. They have to be balanced. If yours are too open, your life may have overt emotional distress or a total introvert, devoid of expression and social ability.

Worse still, one of the chakras called the Sacral, if too opened, results in a person being too sexually promiscuous and lustful to the extent of it disturbing the person's life, while a closed one results in low sexual energy. So which one do you want?

So, you can see that chakras are vital to our mental, physical, and spiritual health as well as to our ability to consciously create our reality.

Every person has defects in the etheric body due to emotional distresses and daily living stress. Defects in spiritual plane if not healed by spiritual healers, can manifest in the form of external physical illness. That's why spiritual healers do have the way to "see" your health in another level and regain your energies to flow smoother inside. This also explains WHY sad people get sicked more easily and why being emotional disturbed can result in many incurable diseases.

Which is another reason doctors and healers always advise people to lead a happy and cheerful life!

Through Marie Callas, I really have gained an insight into the spiritual aspect of life. It makes me more determined to let go of the vengeance deep in my heart and the emotional toils all these years. I really thank her.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


marie callas indian spicesNice! I really love the colours, sight and smell.

Just to make this blog more colourful and bright

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I'm very saddened by the events happening at Myanmar and China. Hundreds of thousands of people had perished under the merciless forces of Mother Nature and it makes me even appreciate the docile geographical location of where I'm staying even more. Down here we only whine about the government and the forever lack of money to sustain a good life style. At least we do not have much worries of no food to eat for our daily meals but over at those disaster struck areas, having a bottle of clean water to drink could even be a tall order for some!

That's why I urge people to be compassionate and donate some to the disaster fund to be pledged to help the poor souls who are affected. I read from The Star Online that Malaysians are donating generously and it's really heartening to know that we do have a large group of compassionate people here.

Donate Here.

Monday, May 26, 2008

A sad piece of news - so always think on the bright side

Folks,I'm so sorry I've neglected you. Last couple of months were really tied up by my family and some more the workload was heavy that I'd totally forgotten to come in to check this blog out. I guess it's still not my second nature yet. On the whole, I am still happy receiving Marie Callas predictions and lucky numbers. I don't adore her blindly nor do I am against her. We are all responsible for our own actions and decisions.

I not sure, but I think the formative ideas in our brain and mind will decide the outcome of our live greatly. For example, i received a news that a friend's friend who had been asking himself about whether was he good enough to support his family, AND, in the even he were to die, would his family suffer? Such a pessimistic thought really shouldn't come even in the first place.

And guess what, my friend's friend slipped and drowned by a waterfall while doing some photo-taking overseas! Now the wife has to take up the burden of supporting the newly born kid by herself and the kid will grow up without the father.

So, the lesson learned here is, do not project pessimistic thoughts here and there. You never know when these pessimistic thoughts will manifest, whether on your own life your or on your loved ones!

Always look at the bright side. There are always solutions to every problems.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nostradamus on Youtube

Just in case you have missed the Nostradamus show on History Channel, you can actually find it available on youtube in 10 parts, as youtube does not allow uploads of more than 100MB! So amazing...

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Get to know Master Prophet

Today I read from The Stars newspaper online version that History Channel is going to show Nostradamus on 27th April. The name of this show is called "The Lost Book of Nostradamus". I am already curious about the history of this guy who became famous after the 911 incident. Before that he was virtually unknown to the masses. How strange it is!

So I've already marked this date on my diary as "no going out day". I hope there won't be any last minute special appointments or things to attend too. Otherwise I'll have to wait again for the re-run of the show.

You can actually catch a 2 min glimpse of Nostradamus at metacafe. I wonder if anyone has the full version? :P

Saturday, April 12, 2008

To Nadia

Hey Nadia, I received your comment but unfortunately deleted due itchy hands. But I have noted your situation and here is my take.

You need to have unwavering faith and confidence that the number given to you will win you some money. Practise positive affirmation like, "I'm the blessed man God has chosen to shower me with His treasures and I'll win and make a lot of money this life." Something like that. You just need to repeat it 3 times each time for 3 times a day. Morning, afternoon and night before you sleep. This is fundamental law of attraction at work.

Have faith. Even if what she promises don't turn out real eventually, you can do a refund and she really honours that. I have been refunded before.

Best of Luck, Nadia..

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Five Force Precious Stone

Recently I bought this amethyst five force precious stone from Marie Callas. I have a weakness for amethyst as it is my birthstone and I think it brings me luck as well. it is a very beautiful purplish stone. I wear it with me all the time. I really like it and so far it has brought me gentle peace and simple luck all the time.

marie callas five forces precious stone amethyst

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Kindness begets happiness

This is really a great article from the Star written by JMC dated Sunday March 30, 2008! Thought I should just share with you people on the last weekend of March 2008.

This is the way to impart the right set of thoughts to our children. As a parent, it is very important that we bond and teach them right values otherwise you'll have a little demon in the near future..Imagine the writer teaches her son saying "there's no free lunch in this world. Please don't be stupid!" I guess the kid will grow up to be a self-centered man with little compassion and love to the people around him.

Have a blessed time! :)
OUR children are what we make of them. An incident with my 17-year-old son made me realise how little things that we often take for granted can have a profound effect on the young minds of our children.

It also reminded me that life is a continuous process of learning in which everyone we come across, regardless of whether that person is small or big, young or old, man or woman, rich or poor, friend or foe plays an important role. We have much to learn from every one of them.

Continue reading here...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

time changes a person

Let me be serious. Whenever a friend or an acquaintance asks me, "Suppiah, what is your vision or goal in your life?, I will cringe when I think of the stakes of answering this question. Frankly, I'm not able to answer this simple question properly. Maybe I have not thought of that in depth or I give my own life a damn..I used to dream of being a sportsman, I like to play hockey when I was young and when I was in the school but that was years ago...later in life, I like to be a top car salesman because I like cars. Somehow, the path drifts and now I'm just a normal project engineer.

Well, coming back to reality, I guess my answer now will be I wish to take care of my family well enough so that they do not have to suffer too much. Pretty ambitionless arh?

As kids, we wish to grow up faster so that we can escape from the clutches of our parents. So we dream but such dream changes as we grow up and we experience different things. The dream of being a sportsman changes when I studied in uni and now I'm not even sure if this is what I want in life, just that the salary of this job is enough for me to feed my family well which is the most comforting.

So time changes a person...

Monday, March 10, 2008

A very special weekend

I guess this weekend is indeed a very special one when you look back into the history of this country. Finally, we have said, enough is enough. We need a change so that our country can move forward! That's why everyone is so excited by the outcome. I thank all fellow countrymen to be so forthcoming and not shied away when you are making a decision that could affect your and you kid's future here. While I hoping for a new era in this country, I pray there is peace and love among one another. And I think this is the sign that we are now a nation with mature populace who can think and no longer have to feed on what they have been trying to tell us. We love this country, that's why those people who are just paying a lip service ought to be replaced by those who are more fervent and sincere to serve.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

taking a spiritual break

Being a busy working man with family to take care, I realise that my most important asset is HEALTH! That is the most important gift a man ever can have. You can't do anything when you are sicked, or bed-ridden. You are deemed a liability in this cruel society if that happens to you tragically. That is why there is a mandatory need for everyone to eat well and keep fit, both mentally and physically.

I have discovered what works for me. I do a brisk walk, all by myself, when my brain goes haywire without ideas to tackle my pile of jobs in front of me. It gets me recharged again. A nice little walk down the blocks here and climb a few levels of stair are all that I need. Simple and easy.

A moment away from the computer, to get your eyes rested and see something greenish. No matter how busy you think you are, it does you good and often after a bit of activity you come back to the computer and end up more productive just because you took a spiritual break!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

my long term dream

Everyone has dreams - no matter at what stage in their lives. So do I. My dream at this stage of my life is to ensure my kids grow up well in and be independent. Next, I'll travel with my wife to really many exotic and mysterious places in our enthralling planet. I wish to achieve this feat while we are still healthy and able to work without any kind of wobbly or requiring any walking aides. That leaves us some 30 year to achieve this dream. I wonder what will happen to me then? Will I still be existing on this place or....?

That is why I'm starting to make money as much to my knowledge as I can. Marie Callas is helping me along the way and she helps to take care of the spiritual aspect while I'll have to be courageous to strive on for the best!

Speaking about travelling, I guess I'll have to do a lot of homework now. One of the places I'd like to visit is Portugal and Spain, these are my two favourite European countries. I wish to visit those exotic small towns where not many people know of. How nice that would be! Yea, I better need to learn Spanish and Portugese if that's the case..

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

squirrel nature

My youngest daughter likes squirrel as she thinks they are very cute and flurry. The woods behind my house really have many lively tropical squirrels. I think they represent wits and energy. I have already bought some squirel soft toys for her to cuddle while sleeping. I came across this picture of a snow squirrel while surfing and thought of posting it here.

Just a little bit of sentiments now..

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Deepest states of attention focusing, Meditation and Balance.
Profound reduction in stress and anxiety, perfect for deep relaxation.
Expanded awareness.
Out of body experience.
Marie Callas.
Open visions and transpersonal experience.
Deeper insight and understanding.
Gaining a sense of Oneness.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

winner is the one who wants it the most

In another business opportunity, the person that will succeed and become a winner is the person who wants it the most. Victory doesn`t always go to the quickest or the most powerful. Marie Callas always teaches SUCCESS goes to the ones who are well prepared, to those who believe in themselves, which connect with the right people, are responsible for their actions, have self discipline and to the ones who sees the opportunity and are willing to take some risks - and sometimes a BIG RISK - to achieve what they want in life. Of course, have the right frame of mind too.

Are you ready to take the risks necessary to become successful?

Start believing in the most important person in the world…


Friday, February 15, 2008

pisces today

Horoscopes today for Pisces.
Any problems that relate to matters of the heart should ease significantly today, and should melt away completely by this evening. It could be that someone needs to flag-up a concern or issue that you hadn’t previously considered, but today will provide the opportunity for the necessary discussion!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy valentine's day

valentine's dayHappy Valentine's Day!

I just want to wish all loving couples out there have everlasting bliss in the relationship.

Also to those who are searching for cupids not to worry. "Visualise" your other half with positive affirmation and heavens will do the rest for ya.

I think V day is getting extremely commercial. In truth i dislike it because it is way too commercialised, isn't it? Gift and restaurant prices are increased 30 to 40% at least just for this day.

For me and mrs, we have agreed not to celebrate because we are too practical to fall for such commercial spins.

Friday, February 1, 2008


My horoscope for today.
"You like to talk about things that you enjoy and are close to your heart. Short trips are often pleasurable, especially to places of beauty. You think of ways to accommodate and harmonize, and you typically avoid talking about anything unpleasant. You sometimes dwell upon pleasing yourself."
Yea it is right. This is so close to how i feel now.

Friday, January 25, 2008

care and concern for loved ones

Today I receive a letter from psychic Maria Callas. It was always a pleasure to receive her letters as it always comes with some divine predictions and forecasts. I'll make sure I read through the words carefully. Bear in mind, I do not buy every word she says. I have already dismissed some of her words and of course not everything she says is 100% right. There is no psychic in the world that can get 100% right. Only God can.

People go for psychics for a peace of mind. They want to know what will happen to the fortunes and future. They do this OUT OF LOVE for their loved ones. To show that they will be around to take care of them. I did this for the love of my loved ones too.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

birthstone amethyst

amethystDo you know what is your birthstones? I know mine. It is "amethyst". Amethyst is purple in colour and I believe it is very common as it can be seen everywhere in fengshui shops around this around.

Marie Callas says that if you wear your birthstone, it can set up an unique spiritual resonance with you through its own structures. This energy can activate and intensify your life.

If you want to know your birthstone, just leave me at note and I'll check for you through my book and tell you its characteristics.

Good luck!

Monday, January 21, 2008


My lifestyle. Yeah, I'm delighted to write that I know I’m really a lucky person as I show gratitude to whatever events that happen in my life so far. Also I appreciate the freedom and choices I have in my life. I have a good job that pays me reasonably to feed my family and that's what makes me feel really happy.

Also people around me are really wonderful. There are people in who love me, as I am, and appreciate me as well. That’s a fantastic feeling. I should treasure it as much a i can. Thanks.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Simple tips to motivate yourself

I just read this article in a bookshop while I was waiting for my family to finish their errands. I find it relevant to our lives, especially when the year is still new.

When you want motivation, do this:

1. Write on a piece of paper all the things you have accomplished in your self. Surely there is something in your life no matter how minor it could be. Write it down and be proud of it. Think what you have learned from this achievement. Analyze why were you able to accomplish it then.

2. It's a fact acknowledged by all experts that this is a great way to boost yourself mentally. Write down what you wish and want to be in life and visualize intensively you have already achieved such goal. The power of your thought and mind will set the gears going for you. For me i visualize i am touring all over Europe on my loved ones without the worries of job and money.

3. Learn to help others to be successful or help bring other people's nearer to their next life milestone. Its a strong motivation pill. Through the joy and contentment seen on their faces, its a immense shot of spiritual power to lift you up to next level.

4. Find a quiet place to relax. The place must be distractionless, no internet, TV or worldly distractions. Meditate there and focus on your goals. Think about plan of action. Just be relax and concentrate. Be cheerful too.

5. Have a detail plan showing where you want to be in life and motivation with this method is found within the organization and planning. Start with an outline of perceived progress and work at it from priority. You may find that things need to be added or re prioritize as you start working through the plan.

So those are some tips to motivate yourself. Do not lose that focus and motivation in life as you will lose zeal and vigour in life.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Have a great 2008

"Seeing through the psychic crystal ball, my clairvoyant reading tells me this is going to be a great year for me!"

That's not enough. 0 action = 0 results.

Positive thinking is a great first step. But it is just a first step. I believe the difference between an optimist's chance of success and a pessimists it something like this:

Optimist: "Wow what a great opportunity - let's get going".

Pessimist: "It probably won't work anyway, so why bother trying?"

Simply put, an optimist is more likely to take ACTION, and less likely to be put off by setbacks. That's why optimists succeed. I want to succeed too that why I need to change.

In my opinion there is no better way to get going on a positive journey than surrounding yourself with people who influence you and inspire you. Something you can't change on your own but will come to you if you are around people that are on an equal level as you.

Let us start the new year with optimism, rather than doom and gloom.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Spectacular fireworks

Happy New Year 2008 to all of you. Selamat tahun baru!

I had a great time when my family as we celebrated the countdown to 2008 over here at one of the KL's latest shopping havens called the Curve. As my kids love to watch fireworks - they did not have enough of those at the recent firework festival - so being an obliging dad I brought them to experience the new year revelry and the fireworks illuminating the dark sky to usher in the new year.

I guess there were possibly thousands of people that night as there were more than one countdown at The Curve, and at least 3 fireworks displays around the vicinity of Mutiara Damansara. No wonder the crowd. And the jam ;)

Frankly, I have never viewed fireworks at such close proximity so it's really very inspiring to see the spectacle tonight with my family. The only bad point was the my neck became ached after bending it to view the sky for nearly 10 minutes!

We love it totally of course!