Thursday, May 10, 2007

Beautiful sunset

Isn't this a spectacular picture of the sunset? A friend sent it to me some pictures of Sarawak nature and East Malaysia is one of the most beautiful places in my opinion.

marie callas sunsetI wish to go there one day. It's still an unexplored place to me.


angela said...

Hello L. Suppiah

I am from Sabah, Malaysia and would love to share with you about Marie Callas. I am new to this and need to check with you on certain things that I am not so sure about Marie Callas. I can see that you have 'faith' with what Marie Callas has told you and I am now trying to communicate more with her as well.

angela said...

Hi L. Suppiah

I am new to Marie Callas and would like to chat with you about her. Perhaps you could share or advise me more about the experience you had with Marie Callas? I desperately need to improve my life better and I hope Marie Callas would be able to help me as I have just start to communicate with her.

L. Suppiah said...

Hi Angela,

Nice to hear from you. Sorry, I was away for the last weekend. :)

Mostly importantly, you need to have faith and practise positive, constructive thinking. That's what all successful men have in common.

Marie Callas has helped me to build up a good outlook in life and with that, it comes prosperity and luck.

May I know which product of Marie are you using? :)


angela said...

Hi Suppiah

Thanks for your reply. Now I have more faith than before, haha.

Recently she introduce the ternary vibratory magic to me. I have read the book and are going to practise it soon. Did you ever try this practise before?

At the same time I did ask for the lucky numbers from her, though. I hope I could win some.


L. Suppiah said...

Dear Angela,

I also received her letter about ternary vibratory magic, however, I did not take up the offer this time as I'm still using my previous product, the positive wave personal harmoniser which has worked great for me. I love it. Do share your experience about ternary magic next time :)


angela said...

Dear Suppiah

I have no idea about the product that you are trying now. Anyway I will keep you update about the product which I am going to practise it soon.

I would love to share with you from time to time about Marie Callas.
