Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Law of Attraction (L.O.A.)

Marie Callas has said that the Law of Attraction can manifest itself in matters of
health, health, and happiness.

Whether you are trying to put the Law of Attraction to use in your life or not, it is always at work. You are always putting out vibrations into the universe. They are always collecting with like energies and coming back to you.

Once something becomes important to you, you will develop an excitement about it. That excitement will turn into a power that is greater than any you can drum up by simply repeating words about what you want. The Law of Attraction works in relationships as well as it does in anything else.

By deliberately using the Law of Attraction, you can find that special person you are looking for. One step is to determine what it is you want from a mate. Make a list. Write down strengths you would like the person to have. Write down joys you would like to share.

This is what I told one of my cousins who laments often that she couldn't attract a nice guy but all the wrong companies. I told her that she had been focusing on the wrong things.

Once you have a more concrete idea of what you want, the universe will bring you to your mate through the Law of Attraction. This will happen through matching of frequencies. You send out the frequency of what you want. That vibration goes out and collects with other frequencies like it. In other words, it matches.

When your frequency is vibrating in concert with another frequency, it will only be a matter of time before you meet someone.

Yes, I believe in the Law of Attraction.

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