Friday, December 11, 2009

Natural Talents

I think everyone has special talents. These are in built in us and come as something natural.

For example, I have a colleague who is good at picking up new languages. Total he knows about 7 or 8 languages, although not at native standard, but has no problem talking to the locals if he travels there. As a result, he is very proud when people ask from him to translate for that is fulfilling his own belief and ability.

I do believe i have some natural talents, just that even at this age, i can't seem to find out what it is. Could it been lost when I was growing up?

Marie Callas tells me talents do not have to be something physically demonstrative. It can be something in your behaviour, like, a strong sense of humour or oratory guild, or charisma that allows you to connect to strangers easily.

Actually, nobody has only one specific gift. If you are a person with a good sense of humour, then you may also be someone who has ease with people, one who makes friends easily with a cheerful and merry outlook. These are talents in their own rights.

Hope you have a good weekend!

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