Friday, October 19, 2007

Motivation at the street

A former colleague of mine has decided to go ahead to set up his own business. He left my present company about 2 years ago to pursue a career in IT which is a total stranger to me sometimes.

He was always the brightest learner in my department.Quick to learn, blessed with good memory and a passion to provide good customer support to my project team at all times. Everyone of us likes him and it was sad to hear him leaving the company at that time.

Recently I met him on the streets and we chatted over coffee. He had since set up his own web design company as he felt there is growing web demand here in this country. I did applaud his decision to go after his dream but he seems a little lack of confidence at this time as he fears of falling on his face and having to crawl back, defeated.

I told him nobody really failed in life. We all get what we go after – without fail. The difference between positive and negative thinkers is that the positive thinker goes after what they want, while the negative thinker, more times than not, accepts whatever comes along.

So all of us need to believe that we can achieve and have that passion to go for it. Just be prepared to face the tougher challenges on the way to living our definition of success.

Quite strangely, I'm surprised I can give such a pep talk to someone. Maybe I can be a motivator now!

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