Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Some people believe in supernatural stuff but some people are not convinced by those related phenomenon due to the lack of scientific proof. There are reports that when supernatural occurs, the magnetic interference nearby is more acute than normal. But are these changes in magnetic field able to tell us anything?

But I do believe in telepathy - an invisible linking between two people. A blink of an eye or a smile will tell the other person what he is thinking or intend to do. These understandings are often extremely accurate, haven't you heard the football commentator saying "telepathic understanding" during a match?

In my life I have met a couple of interesting people from Indian temple here and they are said to be mildly telepathic - they were very interesting, they could send and receive, very impressive, very cool. That was a really cool experience. Can you send thoughts out? Do you think people receive them?

Have you ever called someone and they said, I picked up the phone and I knew it was you. Or have you ever picked up the phone and instinctively or intuitively known who it was on the other line before you pick it up? I think we have all had this experience at one time or another.

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