Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Those trees

marie callas treesHave you ever sat down and actually looked at your surroundings, like those trees, plants, flowers, birds, insects or simply ever notice the scavenging street dogs and cats?

Just a simple suggestion, say when you have a chance to enjoy your lunch or breakfast under a big shady tree, look at it, appreciate its presence there for providing the shade that allows you to enjoy your food in a cooler place. You will really find its beauty and its role in our life. It's teeming with life, just observe.

Take a moment to appreciate nature's lines, even if the greeneries are man-made. One thing though, there is just not enough greenery in our city areas. It's getting scorching hot every afternoon. I just wish there are more trees around, but sadly, more are giving up their places to make way for the rampant development here. It's a tragedy, humans have taken so much from the nature and have given so little back.

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