There is a saying, 'stick with ink and you'll become black like ink yourself'. I am not sure of the full version but I think it is a Chinese saying. I always heard it from some of my Chinese colleagues who translated for me and I remember it vividly. It is really true I think. Birds of the same colours flock together, and it is the same for humans.
If you are negative, you tend to group together with negative people, somehow naturally. The same applies for people of different traits. That probably explains why there are so many societies or association that are formed with different special groups of people in mind.
I hate to be a spoil party by spouting negative words to friends who are in really good moods. In fact i think it is a disrespect to them because you just ruin their day. I used to remember I told a colleague about some great food I had taken at USJ and my that colleague totally pissed me off for that day by saying 'if you think that the food from that place is good, most probably you haven't eaten what is the best!' I think that is very hurtful and negative, or, do you think I am just being petty by remembering it so clearly?
Marie Callas herself had said that in order to break the vicious cycle of negative influences, people need to be aware of their thoughts, words, actions, habits and characters because what you act or say will follow you incessantly and even become your own destiny.
So people, remember, next time you say something which you think are not serious, think about the consequences to yourself and the type of people around you.
I wish all have a great weekend. The weather is great and I will bring my family out for a fun day out there!