Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Friday the 13th could be a lucky day?
A Friday occurring on the 13th day of any month is considered to be a day of bad luck in English and Portuguese-speaking cultures around the world. And similar superstitions exist in some other traditions. The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or paraskevidekatriaphobia which are 2 of the longest tongue twisting words I ever seen.
The origins of Friday superstitions are many which include Eve tempted Adam with the apple on a Friday. And 13 people at the last supper of Jesus, who was traditionally crucified on Good Friday. It is estimated that millions of people have this fear phenomenon. Friday 13th does have some mystical powers. If I remember well, I think Marie Callas has a service that taps on the mystical power of this day which is something called Egregor and I am not very sure on that.
However, there are some reports about the lucky effect of Friday the 13th for example a couple from UK win $17 million while a 49-year-old woman hits $10 million jackpot at MGM Grand. Also, there is less superstition about this date today than compared to the past generations.
My opinion about this is that instead of dwelling on the mysticism of this date, why not we think positively about it because that could be the key to get lucky that day. If we always have fear, the fear will soon consume our inner voice and that will make us unlucky eventually.
As usual, have a cheerful day.
Suppiah :)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
My friend Duang asks about Marie Callas
He told me he would like to improve on his luck and general spiritual health too, just like me. Although it would not make you rich overnight, at least Marie Callas does an honest service to help people who believe in her powers to improve their lives. There's no such as thing as getting rich without any effort. The effort you need to put in here for Marie Callas to help you is to believe in her, and practise positive attitude to yourself and the people around you. Only through this way, mankind can truly achieve greatness.
I thanks Duang for his trust in me and I know Marie Callas will surely help him in life.
Monday, January 29, 2007
End times predictions
Recently, there are a few news reports about dying birds dropping from the sky in Australia and US. People have no idea what is going on because this seems so supernatural and unreal. These birds are natural migrators and it is highly strange that they could just died while flying with no apparent reasons.
Yesterday I read online about this bird thing which the online article claimed had already been predicted way back in 1899 by a guy called Black Bull! Isn't it strange, these type of reports only appears after the event occured. Remember the 911, after it happened, many news reported that it had been predicted by a psychic in 17th century.
But I shall summarise what I read of this Black Bull's prophecy which foretold vision of the end of the world would begin after thousands of bird died in Texas and when this event occurred, the former governor of Texas would be president of the United States. President Bush happens to come from Texas by the way. Black Bull also predicted then that American soldiers would withdraw from a 'foreign war' with ignominy. Also, he mentioned that global temperature would rise and we would experience warmest winter ever.
Then there many apocalyptic events will happen in quick succession and that results in chaos, poverty, morality, violence and threats to the human race. Amid the chaos, scientists will discover an enormous meteorite on a collision course with Earth. News of the impending disaster will have a soul-destroying effect on the already demoralized nation. In despair, people will stage mass prayer meetings, imploring God to save humanity. At one such meeting in Dallas, Texas, Satan will appear.
The Evil One will proclaim victory, but immediately the Great Spirit will appear leading a war party of braves according to Black Bull and they will vanquish the Devil and burn his body in a raging bonfire. Then the Great Spirit will summon all the leaders of the world to a council. They will smoke a peace pipe and everyone will live in harmony.
The Great Spirit will stop the meteorite dead still in space and provide food for everyone and he will cure all diseases. The world that we have lived in will come to an end, but it will be replaced with a better world. No one will die anymore and we will love one another and be at peace forever.
A dramatic Happy Ending? I can't say this is pure fiction. I believe in spiritual realms that we normal humans are unable to grasp.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Can future really be predicted?
Since the beginning of time, we as human beings have been curious about the future. For aeons people have tried to predict the future. Can psychics predict the future? Yes, they can . . . sort of . . . and no, they cannot. The truth is that psychics, or anyone with highly developed intuition, can predict only the probable future. The future is precarious. It is constantly changing, or rather, what would be the future at any given moment in time is in a constant state of flux.
We create our own futures through our intentions, thoughts, words and actions. Free will gives us the ability to do so. Every thought we think sets up a vibration which, if left undisturbed or uninfluenced by other energies, will attract to it a like energy or vibration. Thoughts, intentions, beliefs and words are all forms of energy and all capable of manifesting or creating an event or circumstance in our lives. These same thoughts, intentions and beliefs are constantly changing. The changes in our thoughts are what change the future. Even as we create one "future" with our thoughts, etc., we are changing that already-created future by our next thought.
While there is no such thing as predestination, or a fixed future, it often seems as though things that happen in our lives were, indeed, predestined. Many of the events that take place in our lives (which necessarily were created by us in the past) seem to be something we would never have created had we had a choice. Why does it seem like this? Because many of the things that happen in our lives were created by a thought or belief that took place in the distant past, or by a thought or belief residing in our subconscious mind. Many of these events that occur as a result of a past belief or subconscious belief seem totally unrelated to anything we have thought about or intended to have happen in our lives. Our conscious mind often cannot grasp the relation between something that happens in our lives and the distant belief that created that event.
Everything in the Universe is energy in one form or another. Everything that happens happens because an energy pattern (vibration) was sent out either by us or by someone else that resulted in the occurrence of that event. Events that seem to come "out of the blue" are often those events which we set up, or put into motion, in the past . . . either earlier in this lifetime or in some other lifetime. If many of the events in our lives were put into motion in another lifetime, are we not then subject to a sort of "fate" or predestined life? The answer to this question would be "yes" if we did not have free will. However, because we do have free will, we have the ability to override the energy patterns currently in place, those which if left undisturbed would create a future based on energy patterns or vibrations originating in the past, with new energy patterns created by new thoughts or deeds.
Not only do we create our lives by allowing past energy patterns to emerge unobstructed in the present, but we also create our lives by allowing our subconscious minds to dictate what we will create. We can create our lives by default . . . allowing our subconscious minds to create events . . . or we can override our subconscious mind by making conscious choices about our beliefs and thoughts, thereby consciously creating our lives. I really do not like the idea of my subconscious mind being in the driver's seat of my life. Heaven only knows what beliefs and fears reside in my subconscious mind or to what degree those beliefs might conflict with my conscious beliefs.
If we have the power to override both our subconscious desires, those that often create our lives, and the energy patterns which were set in motion in the past (both the recent and the distant past), doesn't it make sense that it would be helpful to know both what our subconscious beliefs, desires and fears are and what the energy patterns coming from the past look like? If we had access to such information, we would be in a position to pick and choose which parts of the "probable" future we have already created we would like to change and to change our "probable" future into one that might be more to our liking. Enter the psychic (or tarot reader or astrologer or anyone else who is able to tune into the "unseen" energies around us.)
A psychic (a good one, that is) can tell you what energy patterns were set up in the past and what "probable" future they have created for you. He or she can also help you uncover those subconscious fears, desires, beliefs, emotions and intentions that are contributing to your current "probable" future. Discovering such information can put your future back into your "conscious hands" so to speak by allowing you the opportunity to make conscious choices about how you would like your future to unfold. It is always possible to consciously override our subconscious. It may not always be easy, but it is always possible.
Our futures are constantly changing. Not only do our past and our present subconscious and conscious thoughts and beliefs influence our future, but so do the energies of other people. We are not the only ones exercising free will from one moment to the next. The rest of the world is also exerting free will from one moment to the next and their exertion of their free will can influence or change our own probable future. Reading the energy of those whose energy is influencing your own life is another thing that a psychic can do to assist you in creating your own future. Learning what influences the people around you are exerting upon your life allows you to make conscious choices about the amount of influence you are willing to continue to allow them to have upon your probable future.
Psychic ability has to do primarily with sensing and interpreting energy and since everything in the Universe is energy in one form or another, someone who can read and interpret energy that you yourself are unable to perceive can assist you in sorting out what (beliefs, thoughts, emotions, intentions and desires) and who are having an impact upon your future. When a psychic tells you about an event in your "probable" future, you can choose to do nothing and allow that probable future to unfold unchanged through any conscious intent on your part, or you can choose to change that future by overriding other energies with your own conscious and intentional thoughtform energy.
Back to the future, or rather "probable" future. Can anyone predict the future? The answer is both "yes" and "no." No one can absolutely predict either your future or the future. Too many energies constantly shift and change and influence the future for anyone to predict what is going to happen at a fixed point in the future. However, it is possible to read the energies and energy patterns that are in place right now, those that at this moment in time are creating a "probable" future, and determine what might happen in the future if absolutely nothing changed between now and then. This is the best anyone can do, and while "predicting the future" is not really possible, it can be very beneficial to you to learn what your probable future is because knowing what your probable future is allows you the opportunity to exert the influence of your free will and conscious mind upon that future in order to change it more to your liking.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
State of the world
Those people who are resistant to change will view the rest of the world as pariahs while those who are in control due to technological/economic prowess will want to strangle the whole world by its neck. It is exactly this state of being that has threatened the very existence of the mankind. It is quite a precarious balance I think because a very small spark of controversy may spin the whole world into chaos in shortest time as we are so interconnected now.
For the sake of the human brethens, I hope sanity will come to each and everyone of us everywhere. We are related spiritually after all.
I hope that is not too serious stuff for ya. It's just my thoughts after reading the major recent stories around the world.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
End of Compact Discs?
It's Tuesday only but now I have already started counting down to the weekends. Feel kinda guilty but hey isn't that's life supposed to be if you are just a normal 9 to 5'er? How many of you can really proclaim you enjoy your job? Maybe 1 out of 50 or 100 perhaps. I am a person who is dedicated but I do not love my job. Do you think that is contradictory? In certain sense perhaps.
I once read, do not fall in love with a company because in this age of technological progress, what is normally certain a couple of years back may no longer be certain today. Just to take an example. When compact discs were released in late 80s, it heralded the end of the cassette tapes. CD's were the new toy for everyone then. In barely 5 years of its release, the much loved cassettes were already near the end of life. CD's had its heyday from mid 90s to sometime 2004 to 2005.By 2007, the sales of CD's had dropped dramatically I suppose. I no longer buy CD's for more than 12 months because I can always get the legalised songs through MP3 in websites. Another reason is because CDs are too expensive here! Even favourite store like Towers Record had decided to call it a day! In 2007, we should expect to see more albums released CD'less and only available through online MP3 stores like iTunes. If you need a hardcopy to keep, you may have to settle for a DVD that come with more contents.
I will surely miss those days when I was younger in those music stores browsing for the CD's of the favourite artistes.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Some thoughts
My sister told me I could write about anything in life, however I am not the type to feature every moment of my time right here. This blog is mainly devoted specifically to Marie Callas and how she's benefitted my life. The other day I just made a post at MyStar online portal to rebut some claims about Marie Callas. I do not understand why some people find her service to be that kind and yet she has helped me so much.
Spiritually her teachings have renewed me much more than my own religious belief. As long as I find her to benefit my life, I will continue to render my support as well as referring friends who may need her service to them.
Now, today I read that the warming of the Indian Ocean in the past 20 to 30 years – brought about by global warming – could have played a part in the unusual weather which caused flooding in Johor and other parts of Malaysia, as reported Star newspaper. This indeed is something sad because I feel the nature has been steadily being degraded by human developments over the last one hundred years or so and now many countries are facing unpredictable climatic conditions and if this continues, it is going to harm many of our future generations. I hope some momentous laws will be passed soon, either politically, environmentally and technologically, to safe our planet from further degradation. I also pray that the flood situation will get better and better everyday because many homes are destroyed.
All right, I manage to complete this post in over 15 minutes and now I am off to some serious office stuff. Have a good day :)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Reading daily
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Talking to a colleague and realise..
Maybe we all have a secret desire to win the lottery (you may approach Marie Callas for her help). Lottery can be of any sorts, from in terms of money, fame or an event that makes you to stardom. We believe that someday, somewhere, someone is going to walk up to us and say, “you are so naturally charismatic that I am going to select you for this Next Big Thing.”
I will advise people to get their own breaks. And start to plan early while you are young. Meet and network and, work and opportunities will naturally flow to those who demonstrate that they can handle it.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Profile of a Malaysian blogger
Seriously I can't see why nowadays people are so attention craved. I have read some news reports that there are full time bloggers earning thousands per month! I as quite astounded to say. As for me, I am 33 years old, male, and very new to stuff about blogging. It was my sister who taught me what is blog, blogger, how to attach pictures and the do's and dont's of blogging. Oh yes, she's Malaysian and she's under 25. Do you see that? I guess I really have a lot to pick up because things online move really fast. Last talked to her, I heard some terms like RSS, digg, furl, del................... I feel like a dinosaur.
She told me you need to have some specific subject to blog about, and if you have several topics to rant about, you can divide the blog into categories if you are lazy to maintain a few blogs at the same time. I thought about that hence I just focus on Marie Callas.
However, I am already facing that feeling of 'emptiness' to continue with logging. Sometimes I just do not know what to put in the blog! The general profile of the bloggers primarily do it for entertainment and to share their lives with family and friends.
the blog owners. I guess my blog is too dry and bland so I hope I have some nice pictures to post.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Intuitive Energy Insights: Portrait of a Psychic / Intuitive
Many people ask me how I started doing this work.
As a child, my earliest memory is being 3 years old and telling my mother things that I could not have possibly known. I would tell her stories about ladies she socialized with and various relatives. At first she thought I’d ‘overheard’ this information, but then realized that the stories were ones that were shared when I wasn’t there. I told her how the people felt, and about other people connected to them that I had never met. Eventually she became ‘used to’ my stories and knew I had something that was special.
Knowing things about people unfortunately brought sorrow to me early on in life when I ‘knew’ that my father was going to die. I was 7 years old. The day he died, my mother came to pick up my brother and me from elementary school. I already knew what had happened.
All though school, I knew what other people were feeling. Mostly I felt flooded by emotion, often reacting to feelings I’d ‘picked up’ from others. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I thought I was a basket case.
After these and many other experiences, I knew that I had to learn about what was happening to me. So, at the age of 17, through a series of highly synchronistic happenings, I began an internship with an Intuition specialist to learn about and hone my abilities.
During my training I began to understand some of what I went through as a child. I analyzed myself as I learned. To this day, I still work to sort myself from others’ feelings. I am more conscious of it now and it is relatively easy to sort.
My training was ‘hands-on’ in that I worked along side my mentor as he consulted with clients. I watched, studied, learned and joined the consultation. I explored their energy field, their issues and complaints (with their permission of course). This was my best form of training. Eventually I began to take over the consultation sessions, slowly building my own clientele as I trained.
My abilities fall under several categories, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. Clairvoyant, meaning ‘clear seeing,’ is the ability to have visions or ‘see’ a psychic impression. Clairaudient, meaning ‘clear hearing,’ is the ability to ‘hear’ psychic information from another’s energy field or from higher guidance. Clairsentient, meaning ‘clear feeling,’ is the ability to ‘feel’ or sense the energy field of another and experience psychic impressions in an emotional or physical way.
My brother has a similar gift. We like to say he has ‘radar’ or his ‘antennas are on’ because he just ‘knows’ things. My abilities are similar, but are enhanced in the realm of sensing what is taking place in a person’s electromagnetic energy field. I am an Energy Intuitive, ‘seeing’, ‘knowing’ and ‘feeling’ others. Intuitives are not mind-readers. We are highly sensitive beings that have learned how to synthesize the information that we sense around us.
My training taught me to hone into the core of what is taking place in someone’s energy field. This ability allows me to get right to the center of an issue. The source may be karmic memory (past life related), childhood patterns, emotional overwhelm, mental confusion, etc. It may even be emotion that source’s from another person (like a child feeling a parent’s feelings).
I actively read anything I could get my hands on about intuition, counseling techniques, self-help books, meditation, etc. I took training courses, earned a degree in psychology, went on retreats, participated in workshops, learned breathwork, I even hosted my own meditation group. I gathered tools, tips, techniques and methods to develop my own intuition and I began to teach others. My internship lasted 5 years and by the time I completed my training, I had a full client list.
People of every walk of life are interested in learning about their intuition. Mostly, they are looking for answers. They have questions within themselves, feel conflicted and confused---- without answers! Ultimately they want to feel better. They are looking for a way to feel better about themselves, get past their fears and begin moving forward in their lives. They want more and don’t know how to get it.
During the coaching / intuitive counseling process, we begin sorting through the emotions, mental chatter and confusions. Collectively we analyze their current situation, the echoes of the past that are influencing them, and then develop an active approach to move forward and transform their lives.
My own intuitive energies come forth, guiding them and directing their inner quest. As intuitive messages come forward, I deliver them and help the client to surface the emotional / mental / physical / spiritual pieces involved to catalyze a transformation. The working plan of action may include various assignments and tasks for them to complete along with goals to work towards.
In this work, I promote active participation in clearing inner chatter and identifying old patterns. Intuition is an inherent trait within us all. Learning to listen to it, work with it and create life changes out it is a powerful experience that brings many rewards.
Author Jaelin K. Reece, is a whole life coach, intuitive and guide. Jaelin uses her complementary skills as a gifted intuitive to facilitate people in realizing their true potential in their personal lives, relationships, career, and prosperity. She assists people in transforming their lives and creating the life they love to live.
Jaelin serves as a mentor, consultant and success partner for her clients. She is also the featured columnist Ask a Life Coach for Holistic Healing. If you are interested in partnering with Jaelin as your mentor and life coach you may arrange a session with her through her website: Jaelin K. Reece, Life Coach or by visiting her blog Intuitive Innovations
Friday, January 12, 2007
Online Guide to Tarot

Tarot cards possibly originated in Europe in the 1100s, and the earliest known specimens of tarot card decks are said to be from North Italy. These could go back to the early-to-mid-15th century. These were called carte da trionfi or "cards of the triumph' and were later used to play a game called 'Tarocchi.' These could have been derived from playing cards that came into Christian Europe between 1375 and 1380. First discovered in China, these cards probably came through the Arabic route to Islamic Spain and then spread across Europe. These were similar to the 52-card pack in use today.
There are usually 78 cards in a deck of tarot cards. Special motifs were assigned to cards, taken from different ideas in philosophy, poetry, and astronomy. They were also borrowed from Roman, Greek and Babylonian mythology.
The two main types of tarot cards are the major arcana and the minor arcana. The major arcana have 21 trump cards along with a fool card. The minor arcana have 56 cards, going up from the ace to 10. There have four different suits - the wand, cup, sword and the pentacle. There are also four court cards: the page, knight, king and queen.
Tarot cards are connected to the occult and divination. Tarot card readers tried to divine a person's past, present and future. Some of the earliest known tarot card readers were Etteilla, Marie-Anne Le Normand and Antoine Court de Gebelin.
Etteilla was a French occultist who lived before the French revolution. His actual name was Alliette, but it was with this changed name that he became famous as a seer and card diviner. The first set of cryptic symbols were designed by him. Many of these were a derivation of the Marseille designs.
The Hermetic Revival in the 1840s made tarot readings more popular. Eliphas Levi is attributed with using the cards as a mystical key to see the future. He is also considered the real founder of the true Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie or the Transcendental Magic school of tarot. These interpretations are also linked to the Kabbala. In 1910, the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot came up with symbolic imagery with divine meanings, increasing the popularity of tarot card divination. There are many who consider modern day tarot cards more interesting as these have grown and evolved through centuries of interpretations.
Today there are special symbols for feminists, cat lovers, computer specialists in Silicon Valley, baseball players and many other groups of people in modern life.
Carl Jung, the famous psychiatrist and psychologist, used tarot cards to help patients. He was probably interested in the archetypes that the tarot cards represented. It is still used by some psychiatrists who might ask a patient to choose a card representing himself or someone else. It is based on the fact that essentially symbols are archetypes.
Tarot cards have inspired many stories and films. The tarot practiced by witches has been used in the James Bond movie Live and Let Die. T.S Eliot used it extensively in his poem The Waste Land. The video game 'March of the Black Queen' has tarot cards woven into the game. In this age of hi-tech science, there is still a place for the magic of tarot!
Tarot provides detailed information on Tarot, Free Tarot Readings, Tarot Reading, Tarot Cards and more. Tarot is affiliated with Reading Tarot Cards.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Breakfast with my friend, Duang
Duang told me while he sipped his coffee that he noticed I had somehow changed to be more cheerful and initiative recently. He said previously I like to complain a lot about the vagaries of life and the politickings within the company, but now instead of criticising, I always looked to the bright side and offered solutions rather than making a mountain out of a molehill. I smiled.
While we are best of pals, I have never told him I employ the services of a psychic to advise me on the future directives of my life because I think it will shock him as he is a person who really does not believe in such things but always like to try to control his own destiny.
Now that he asked me this question, I candidly told him I bought the services of Marie Callas and she had offered me an insight into my life and family. Her guidance and advices even brought me luck as I won quite a sum recently. I also told him besides being strong mentally and physically, spiritual wellness is very crucial in the overall development of a person's life and character too. From his expression, I could tell that he was flabbergasted and how come I have become so holy like a preacher.
I think I will do my best to tell him more about Marie Callas and maybe refer her services to him if he were keen to find out how to even better manage his own destiny.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The talk of the Town

Do you know what 'Eye on Malaysia' is?
It is the talk of the Town at this moment and it generated some sort of national pride especially those people staying near KL area. It is the new tourist attraction and it is a 60 metre tall ferris wheel. Record indicates that it is the world's largest mobile ferris wheel and there are 42 air conditioned gondolas. A ride takes about 12 minutes and you can view nearly 20km of the cityscape when you are near the top of the circle.
This is part of the plans for Visit Malaysia Year 2007 campaign and was launched by Prime Minister sometime last Sunday. With the assurance and guidance Marie Callas has given me recently, I am now living my life with a cheerful, positive and compassionate outlook, therefore I brought my kids to the place for some fun and to experience the hustle bustle of the location. The weather was cool that day and it made our moods even better. However we were shocked to see the queue was very long and kind of a disappointed. I talked to someone near the front and he told me he had queued for more than 2 hour! It looks like Malaysians like to queue too, not just Singaporeans. Also the traffic near Taman Tasik Titiwangsa was quite bad.
As the night was setting in, I have to consoled my kids because I told them we would not be riding one today but another time. In the end I took a night shot across the lake and I shall post it here.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
My Testimony for Marie Callas
Dear Marie Callas,
Firstly, I would like to wish many thanks for your kindness in helping me solving my financial problem.
Lately, the seven digit numbers which were given to me as per your schedule dated 25th September 2006, i.e. 01, 07, 16, 19, 29, 34 and 38 almost striked and I missed being a millionaire by two numbers.
However, I had won four plus one where out of seven numbers only two were missed. I had won a sum of RM2,660 as a result.
Please help me as I am have a lot of debts and many legal actions have been taken against me by various parties and that require a lot of money to solve my problem. I hope you can pray hard for me.
Therefore, I enclosed a Malaysian Money Order amount to RM216.00 as part of my contribution for your goodself.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours Truly.
L. Suppiah
Hope on Marie Callas
About 4 to 5 weeks later in the afternoon, I had a surprise I because I had received the envelop from Marie Callas. It was her reply! I was quite ecstatic. I looked through it and smiled wryly because I knew what to do next.
The next day, I proceeded to the lotto counter near my house. You can say many Asians are habitual punters and gamblers so do I. You will be surprised gambling industry is big here in Malaysia whether legally or illegally. I never had much luck with the numbers before in fact. Every week, I bet in several local lotteries hoping to recoup the losses I have accumulated over the years. It is a sad state because people know it is bad to indulgent in such activities yet many continue to be stuck in this mire. My current financial situation can be partially attributed to some excessive puntings that is why I clang on to the hope Marie Callas had given me in her letter and I hope she would be someone to change the bad luck.
Friday, January 5, 2007
The blog name is simply called Marie Callas because Marie may be considered as the kind soul who has a big influence in my life. Marie had taught me to be more positive and how to live a fuller, happier and better life. This is even though I have never seen her before.
It was on that day when flipped through the Astro TV guide and I saw Marie Callas' full page advertisement. Her claims were certainly to the point of being boastful. This type of claims to some people may be arrogant and downright disrespectful. As for me, I was rather disbelieving of it too and it sounded fictitious and imaginary.
For those who know, we Malaysians are naturally entrepreneurial as we don't depend on the directions of the government. There are many opportunities if you get to know the right person or the right connection and are in the right time. There are so many MLM opportunities, all sorts of 'skims', online or offline, and home businesses like F&B can be set up easily. Of course, some of them are not honest hence some of us have become very careful of things like those of Marie Callas.
A few days later, I was flipping through the TV guide again and I saw the advertisement. The gut in me told me to give it a try so that I may have a chance to improve my luck in number games like 3D, 4D, 5D or Toto which I am fond of. I filled up the information on the form and sent it out the next day to the Singapore address listed.
To be continued...