Marie Callas tells me in her letter that the Law of Forgiveness is working in your life everyday whether you authorizs it or not. This is not a law that you are bound by - it is a universal principle that has existed even before man set foot on the earth.
When you practice forgiveness, you find that others begin to treat you differently, and they really open you to you after some time..its like seeing light at the end of the dark long tunnel and you feel the glee when there is finally light at the end of it. Some will appreciate you to such a degree that they will open themselves to you and give whatever they can to aid you.
The law of Forgiveness is a living mechanism which helps you to take back the power you may have thrown away in the past. It just doesn't worth it spiritually if you have some intense hatred or dislike for someone as you are simply wasting energy that can be used for more positive attitudes and experiences in life.
This is the universe working in harmony after forgiveness has cleared the way for peace. So, in forgiving others, we become the recipients of comfort, peace and happiness.
I find this is wisdom of living.