Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Merdeka Day!

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan ke-50
Happy Merdeka !!

Happy Merdeka Day, my country!

I still proud to be a Malaysian despite of the all problems. Which country in the world does not have any problems? I think we have really progressed a lot as a whole. It's the barbarian side of the people on a world-wide scale that is deteriorating.

Of course, the fact that it's a long weekend again makes all of us even happier! We can really go out with celebratory mood to enjoy with friends and families!

But please drive carefully within the speed limit. Have a safe weekend!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

We are all part of Universe

Everyone of us is part of the greater Universe and we are all born equal as what Marie Callas says. That's very true as we are all made up of tiny subatomic particles that are also abundantly available in stars ten million light years away. So how can a group of particles come together to form life of all shapes and sizes each with different traits and characteristics, and, how can the distant stars and galaxies are moving in such precision?

I have always thought there must have a creative force that bind all these together, something that is beyond the understand of science at this moment. This Force is free from the restriction of time and space and is the Source of everything in the Universe.

Well, I found this interesting video from metacafe that poignantly illustrates what I'm trying to express. Enjoy :)

Small Earth Or BIG Universe? - The best bloopers are here

Monday, August 27, 2007

More trees coming

more tree in KLI'm happy to read today's news that the Govt is planning to build more parks here in KL. This is really good news as I really wish to see more shades around the areas we live, shop and work. The air is getting quite polluted at times and we really need those beautiful trees to improve the air quality.

A few weeks ago I posted them I wish to see more trees and greeneries in our city and I'm glad they are really working out something. Do they hear my plea? Plants have a role in our earth and they are extremely vital in our global climate, aren't they?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Malaysia Internation Fireworks Competition 2007

marie callas MIFCThe big talking point in town right now is of course MIFC 2007 which will be held at Putrajaya International Convention Centre from 18 August 2007 till 2 September 2007. Several nations like Australia, Japan, Italy and Malaysia will be competing for the Merdeka trophy.

Already I have heard that one the first day, there was severe overcrowding at the location and massive traffic jams. I think fireworks are magnificent and everyone loves to see and wow to it. Photgraphy buffs love to capture the transcient moments when the explosives flare up the night sky into twinkling streams of colourful lights.

I'll definitely bring my family there for a good time. But would need to fight hard for a viewing spot. Sigh...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Winning Lottery

I'm really happy to hear one of my friends who also has faith in Marie Callas actually won RM3,000 in a lottery earlier this month. He had written in to express his thanks and gratitude as he said the experience was simply "unbelievable, fantastic and great".

Well, it's true that Marie's person guidance is invaluable if you have the faith in her. Marie Callas dislikes people who are fed negativities all times and criticise without ever putting in action. For those who have trust, she's really a miracle in their lives.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Use our time productively

We got to use our time productively. How many months in a life time could you afford to waste and lose. Do you wish to lament in your older years about what you should have done or missed chances of your younger years?

To make use of your time productively, read inspirational books that teach new knowledge, listen to audios, attend seminars or classes, or do anything that will propel you forward to your goal. Aim to be more efficient than you can ever be. Brainstorming, or even just discussing, with people who are well-versed in the field of your interest can be very helpful.

If you feel you are too tied up, smile and don't get stressed out over things you have no control of. If you guess that something undesirable will happen in the future, think of ways to solve the problem rather than worry about it. As the saying goes, "Focus on the solution, and not on the problem."

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Meditation in the cool morning

I love to write about meditation.

All thanks to psychic Marie Callas, I have found meditation brining a calming influence into my life. My awareness has improved too. No longer I feel "blurred" at times. It's like there's a bright light shining on my path that shows me to the right direction.

Meditation gets me closer to God than any prayer. I'm not a religious person but someone who's aiming to be spiritual. Luckily I live in a place that's not too noisy, and sometimes I can heard the birds chirping and insects buzzing on a lazy day. The weather is hot here so I usually wake up at 5am as the weather is cooler and the dew is still visible.

I don't mediate at night as there is too much distraction from family. I would like to ask my wife to meditate with me but I guess she prefers to get up later.

To meditate well you need to sit in a comfortable position. Just find a good place to sit and meditate without being disturbed. For me I sit in my favourite relax chair facing the trees at the second storey of my terrace house. Sometimes I play a little bit of Al Gromer Khan in the background to guide me into the groove.

During meditation, you can close or open your eyes. For me I like to keep them open so that i can see the morning trees swaying in the cool breeze.

Relax your muscles and next concentrate well so that you stop thinking. Let your mind become blank and silent totally. I know sometimes a thought just flies into your mind and that makes you unable to concentrate. In this case, maybe you have to stop for a while.

Listen to the sounds around you. Listen to your heartbeat. Listen to the breaths you're taking. Inhale slowly and exhale slowly. Be aware of every breath, of every sound around you; your pains.

It will take a couple of times for you to master this, but once you do, you will find yourself going to a higher plane than the one that you're currently on, and when you go to a higher plane, you're closer to God. And that is where we all want and need to be.

May peace and prosperity be with you.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Post a great inspirational lines of wisdom from a great man. Read it and begin your new week with a bang.

"Until one is committed there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation)
there is one elementary truth
the ignorance of which
kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision
raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents
and meetings and material assistance
which no man would have dreamed would have come his way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can do,
begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Begin it now."

-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832
German poet, dramatist, novelist, and philosopher

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Why there are crimes?

It seems that there are tragic news everyday here in this country. What is really going on spiritually?

Why are there crimes? I thought about it, and conclude there are many reasons why people commit crimes. It may be revenge, by mistake or psychological satisfaction.

Reasons people commit crimes:
1. anger
2. hurt
3. drugs/alcohol
4. revenge
5. dares
6. stupidity
7. mental problems
8. recognition

These are roughly the reasons.

In further insight, crimes are done to avoid pain and/or gain pleasure. You see, everyone is selfish and does EVERYTHING they do to either avoid pain and/or gain pleasure.

Hitler and Mother Teresa for example, both did everything they did for 100% selfish reasons, however, Mother Teresa gained pleasure and avoided pain by helping people. Hitler, on the other hand, gained pleasure and avoided pain by killing massive amounts of people and trying to gain world domination.

Strange, but if you think about it for only a minute. it will become obvious to you.

I guess the best is to become positive selfish for a good cause.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Words have immeasurble powers

I read about Marie Callas talking about the power of words.

They are powerful. Don't you think so?

Words can shape histories. Dynasties and kingdoms were destroyed and created because of words. Good or ills, words are responsible for shaping them.

Personally I have experienced the powers of the negative words having great effects in my life. Someone told me off very negatively when I was rather young and his words have stuck in my minds like a leech and followed me throughout my growing years.

That is why being a parent now, I really have to be careful with words. You never know that a sincere reprimand could resonate badly in the mind of your kids and they grow to detest you or suffering low confidence because of your words.

Sometimes I find that brief positive words delivered in a short span of time with impact and emotions and verve can sometimes effect positive.

That's what we all should be doing.