Monday, April 30, 2007
A breeze today
Hope you have a nice weekend! I'm surely many of you guys are feeling excited because............ IT'S A HOLIDAY TOMORROW!!... what's your plan for the Labour Day tomorrow? Today my office is really quiet. Nearby 40% of the people are on leave. It's not a surprise that today's morning traffic is a breeze with these 40% of cars less. I reached the office 10 minutes earlier and had time to have a nice warm coffee. Even the workload seems lighter too. Some people whom I need to talk do from other companies are not in.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Treasure your health
Regarding through Marie Callas book on health, I ponder upon that many people who are in their prime years work furiously hard to earn their wealth, and in the process, they neglect what is in fact their most precious asset. One that can't be bought no matter how much money you have. This is especially true in this modern age where the drive for excellence is so strong that people will find themselves bogged down with bed-trodden diseases just when they are about to enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Am I getting too emotional after these few months of spiritual practice? Well we should be balanced if we wish to be truly happy, however, sometime I still can't help to feel sad when I see so few people around me contracting terminal illnesses.
Even when their are cured, they may not regain the holistic nature of their physical bodies due to medical treatments. That is why we should seek to balance our life when we are still able to.
Am I getting too emotional after these few months of spiritual practice? Well we should be balanced if we wish to be truly happy, however, sometime I still can't help to feel sad when I see so few people around me contracting terminal illnesses.
Even when their are cured, they may not regain the holistic nature of their physical bodies due to medical treatments. That is why we should seek to balance our life when we are still able to.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Negativity alll around!
Many times in life I have found that people are worrying about things that might NEVER happen. Do people know that this attract thought waves of the same type and greatly increases their chances of happening because a person gives their attention to it?
I think we should all start practicing the concept of having and expressing gratitude and focusing on the things we do have now to be grateful for instead of focusing on negative things or situations we do not want to happen as what Marie Callas and many great men have always preached.
Sad to say, 80% of the people in this world are negative. That's why the world is full of chaos. Positive people are usually away from the limelight but they are really enjoying their fruits of success somewhere in the world.
I made this post because I have enough of the nonsense in my office and colleagues. Most of them are not cooperating when it comes to teamwork but find faults and picking on minor items just to show how 'good' they are.
I think we should all start practicing the concept of having and expressing gratitude and focusing on the things we do have now to be grateful for instead of focusing on negative things or situations we do not want to happen as what Marie Callas and many great men have always preached.
Sad to say, 80% of the people in this world are negative. That's why the world is full of chaos. Positive people are usually away from the limelight but they are really enjoying their fruits of success somewhere in the world.
I made this post because I have enough of the nonsense in my office and colleagues. Most of them are not cooperating when it comes to teamwork but find faults and picking on minor items just to show how 'good' they are.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
My colleague Duang
My colleague Duang yesterday told me while we were having lunch that he too had subscribed to Marie Callas psychic service. I am pleasantly surprised because I had totally forgotten I had talked to him about Marie before. He told me bought the great book of secrets but he has yet to finish reading it all. My advice to him is need to practise with faith and positive mindset and he'll see the changes. Well, it's a good start for him because Marie Callas offers us another way to seek spiritual's guide for luck and fortune other than temples.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
My computer
Today I show you my humble computer at my study room. My computer was bought about 2 years ago and that was old in computer timeline. The speed is a Intel 2.8GHz. This is the machine that I use to blog about life here and Marie Callas. It is used by my family too, for their leisure, communications and schoolworks. Sometimes we even had to fight for it and I think it's place is more important that the TV sometimes.

Friday, April 20, 2007
Old buddy
Received a phone call from a really old friend, Chan, yesterday night... He was my old classmate when I was still in the universiti years ago and we were always together with some other pals. It was really a surprise because I thought I had lost contact to him as I heard from other friends he and his family had shifted.
Unfortunately, I couldn't meet up with him yesterday as I need to work 2 hours of OT. But I told him we should go out for dinner together with his family and mine family tonight. Really nice meeting up with old friends :)
As you can see, my lucky star is really improving, even old lost buddy can reappear from no where! Thanks Marie Callas. It's not just all about money. Friendships and relationships are just as important too. Hails to the positive energy in my house.
Unfortunately, I couldn't meet up with him yesterday as I need to work 2 hours of OT. But I told him we should go out for dinner together with his family and mine family tonight. Really nice meeting up with old friends :)
As you can see, my lucky star is really improving, even old lost buddy can reappear from no where! Thanks Marie Callas. It's not just all about money. Friendships and relationships are just as important too. Hails to the positive energy in my house.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
At the top of the world
A happy news to all Malaysians (hope you view it positively) there because a heroine of this country becomes the first Asian woman to scale both North and South Poles. You can catch her great triumph here at Datin Paduka Sharifah Mazlinda's site.
It is not an easy feat I can tell you because of the highly unpredictable and dangerous icy terrains there. You need a lot of motivation and dedication and you have see it in her as she spent nearly one and a half year training and preparing for North Pole expendition.
In April 2004, she was the first Asian woman to reach the South Pole. It shows that we are made of stern stuff and we will achieve what we want if we set our hearts to the task.
It is not an easy feat I can tell you because of the highly unpredictable and dangerous icy terrains there. You need a lot of motivation and dedication and you have see it in her as she spent nearly one and a half year training and preparing for North Pole expendition.
In April 2004, she was the first Asian woman to reach the South Pole. It shows that we are made of stern stuff and we will achieve what we want if we set our hearts to the task.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Yesterday afternoon one of my colleagues was 'wiped' by my departmental head. From her look after that, I know it is something serious but I don't really want to say any negative things on this colleague of mine here. If eight out of ten colleagues said that her work attitude is not good that means something is wrong apparently.
Well, she is indirectly connected to me as I recommend her to my company half a year ago as she is a friend of my wife. I'm just recommending and the final say is the HR and department head so they can't blame me for that. Blame culture is strong here, mind you. I don't know how she managed to convince my management, probably due to looks?
Well, she is indirectly connected to me as I recommend her to my company half a year ago as she is a friend of my wife. I'm just recommending and the final say is the HR and department head so they can't blame me for that. Blame culture is strong here, mind you. I don't know how she managed to convince my management, probably due to looks?
Monday, April 16, 2007
Batu Cave

How did you spend your weekend? For me, I brought my family to visit Batu Cave on Sunday. It was rather crowded and the weather was hot by 10am in the morning. There are many tourist buses by the time we were there and the place there was already teeming with activities. The peak period is sometime around Jan and Feb due to the Thaipusam celebrations but I prefer to come by during off peak as it is safer and more relaxing.
Just for your information, Batu Cave is a very holy Hindi shrine in Malaysia and the famous 272 step staircase always poses a daunting challenge for any person with weak knees. Inside the cave, there is a shrine of Lord Subramaniam, a Hindu deity, and many wildlife that find its way in the darkness. Hindu devotees perform annual pilgrimages during the festival of Thaipusam by putting on kavadis and climbing these steps to the temple inside the main cave. I brought my family there to pray for their well-being and for blessings too.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Mentally stuck
Well, after visiting some blogs, I thought mine should look more 'pro' as well just like many other blogs there. A new face-lift you should say. But it didn't realize. Furthermore I found out that I really don't know how to refurnish my blog....haha.... there are a lot of plugins to catch up too.. maybe I shall ask my sister, but I'm putting that away for now.
I think I have to put aside my idea of refurnish my need to concentrate on writing something of it. Admittedly, starting is easy while maintaining is a challenge. But I'm very happy to hear the story of the gentleman winning some money, possibly or probably due to the Marie Callas harmoniser? .. I hope that's way it should be.
I'm lazy going around with a cam and posting pics here. It's just not my type.
I think I have to put aside my idea of refurnish my need to concentrate on writing something of it. Admittedly, starting is easy while maintaining is a challenge. But I'm very happy to hear the story of the gentleman winning some money, possibly or probably due to the Marie Callas harmoniser? .. I hope that's way it should be.
I'm lazy going around with a cam and posting pics here. It's just not my type.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Numbers in my dream
Do you believe in the magic of numbers appearing in your dream?
Last night, I dreamed of this nice 4 digit number 2610 while I was sleeping soundly. It was so vivid that I thought of this number and wrote it down in my wall calendar. Maybe this is another sign of luck for me from Marie Callas? Is this a clairvoyant vision of mine or a sign that spiritual beings are going to shower me with some abundance?
I'm not sure how it would go but the feeling was really strong. Has anymore made a fortune via the numbers that appeared in their dreams?
Last night, I dreamed of this nice 4 digit number 2610 while I was sleeping soundly. It was so vivid that I thought of this number and wrote it down in my wall calendar. Maybe this is another sign of luck for me from Marie Callas? Is this a clairvoyant vision of mine or a sign that spiritual beings are going to shower me with some abundance?
I'm not sure how it would go but the feeling was really strong. Has anymore made a fortune via the numbers that appeared in their dreams?
Monday, April 9, 2007
Small winnings
Reluctantly, we checked out from the resort on Sunday evening after some really good cooling times up there. It was really packed to the brims and I am extremely delighted! With Marie Callas talisman, I managed to win some money at the jackpot. Hurray, it's RM854!! Not a lot nor little but just enough to keep us happy and fulfilled. It goes without any doubt that as long as you have that positive faith in Marie Callas talisman, you will reap some rewards in what you wish for.
After a good enjoyable weekend, coming to work on Monday morning I feel some tinge of sluggishness. Computer seems to boot up slower and email server connection at warming up speed too. But I'm looking forward to the challenges ahead this week.
After a good enjoyable weekend, coming to work on Monday morning I feel some tinge of sluggishness. Computer seems to boot up slower and email server connection at warming up speed too. But I'm looking forward to the challenges ahead this week.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Hot weather
The weather is very hot recently and there's hardly any signs of rain. The temperature is in the region of 35 degree Celsius which is something very extremely uncomfortable. Damn...the house aircon is already working over time.
But.... DON'T FRET~!
I'm bringing my family up Genting over the weekend and will come back on Sunday! It's a time for me to spend some time in the casino there too. I just love the jackpot machines there. I hope to have some luck there. Well, I'll be bringing the Marie Callas talisman with me up there to endow me with extra luck!
But.... DON'T FRET~!
I'm bringing my family up Genting over the weekend and will come back on Sunday! It's a time for me to spend some time in the casino there too. I just love the jackpot machines there. I hope to have some luck there. Well, I'll be bringing the Marie Callas talisman with me up there to endow me with extra luck!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Getting luckier
Marie Callas says that by removing the block between you and luck, your life will enjoy good fortunes as God wants everyone to be abundant and prosperous. When this block is removed, energy of luck and prosperity will come to you easily. I read this somewhere in one of her products I have subscribed to.
I think my block between luck and me is lowering gradually as I feel I am getting luckier over time. This change in thinking is very important because it defines the success and failure. Most people will utter they are 'unlucky', 'luckless' or 'no luck'. Subconsciously, they are already losing out as this really means luck may not come to them that easily. That's the power of Marie Callas positive teachings!
I say I'm getting luckier is because a traffic police caught me for not wearing the safety belt and instead of summoning me, he just let me go but smiled at me and said "lain kali tak mahu"!
I'm really in luck! Thanks Marie Callas.
I think my block between luck and me is lowering gradually as I feel I am getting luckier over time. This change in thinking is very important because it defines the success and failure. Most people will utter they are 'unlucky', 'luckless' or 'no luck'. Subconsciously, they are already losing out as this really means luck may not come to them that easily. That's the power of Marie Callas positive teachings!
I say I'm getting luckier is because a traffic police caught me for not wearing the safety belt and instead of summoning me, he just let me go but smiled at me and said "lain kali tak mahu"!
I'm really in luck! Thanks Marie Callas.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Be happy
Make all the above part of your life. Happiness is a few simple disciplines practised every day. *** Sunday is the day of Sun, and I personalise Marie Callas positive harmoniser on this day ***
Make a decision to be happy. Happiness is a choice, but you need to believe it's achievable.
*** I always tell myself to be happy today however, everything seems to be making you fed up on this day ***
Determine what happiness means to you; there's no right or wrong, do what you need to get more of it in your life.
*** I like to settle my work issues and set ultimatums for my contractors on this day! It's day to get things tied up ***
Think happy thoughts. Look for the positives in life and appreciate what's good.
*** Yeah true, this is my lucky day! I always learn new stuff from Marie Callas on this day ***
Control what you can, accept what you can't and practise knowing the difference.
*** It's a tired day for me mentally because of the hectic past 3 days! ***
Make someone you care about happy. Spend time with people who are important to you.
*** It's my favourite day of the week because we always have a sumptuous dinner on this day ***
Live healthy. You'll be happier if you eat well, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
*** A day to rest and relax and go out for a family exercise ... nothing can beat it ***
We ought to be happy even though the world around us has failed us sometimes.
Make all the above part of your life. Happiness is a few simple disciplines practised every day. *** Sunday is the day of Sun, and I personalise Marie Callas positive harmoniser on this day ***
Make a decision to be happy. Happiness is a choice, but you need to believe it's achievable.
*** I always tell myself to be happy today however, everything seems to be making you fed up on this day ***
Determine what happiness means to you; there's no right or wrong, do what you need to get more of it in your life.
*** I like to settle my work issues and set ultimatums for my contractors on this day! It's day to get things tied up ***
Think happy thoughts. Look for the positives in life and appreciate what's good.
*** Yeah true, this is my lucky day! I always learn new stuff from Marie Callas on this day ***
Control what you can, accept what you can't and practise knowing the difference.
*** It's a tired day for me mentally because of the hectic past 3 days! ***
Make someone you care about happy. Spend time with people who are important to you.
*** It's my favourite day of the week because we always have a sumptuous dinner on this day ***
Live healthy. You'll be happier if you eat well, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
*** A day to rest and relax and go out for a family exercise ... nothing can beat it ***
We ought to be happy even though the world around us has failed us sometimes.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Top 20 best cities in the world
Not a surprise that the majority of them are in Europe.
1. Zurich
2. Geneva
3. Vancouver
4. Vienna
5. Auckland
6. Dusseldorf
7. Frankfurt
8. Munich
9. Bern
9. Sydney
11. Copenhagen
12. Amsterdam
13. Wellington
14. Brussels
15. Toronto
16. Berlin
17. Melbourne
18. Luxemburg
18. Ottawa
20. Stockholm
For the full listing, please refer here - Quality of City Life. Our brother, Singapore, for their constant boasts of being world class by their politicians, manages only 34th position. But they are the best of Asian cities which is a good achievement in my fairest opinion.
1. Zurich
2. Geneva
3. Vancouver
4. Vienna
5. Auckland
6. Dusseldorf
7. Frankfurt
8. Munich
9. Bern
9. Sydney
11. Copenhagen
12. Amsterdam
13. Wellington
14. Brussels
15. Toronto
16. Berlin
17. Melbourne
18. Luxemburg
18. Ottawa
20. Stockholm
For the full listing, please refer here - Quality of City Life. Our brother, Singapore, for their constant boasts of being world class by their politicians, manages only 34th position. But they are the best of Asian cities which is a good achievement in my fairest opinion.
Monday, April 2, 2007
I spent my weekend at my parent's house in a small town in Johor state which is about 4 hours of drive away from my place. It had been coming to 4 months since I last visited them and of course we miss each other. It was my mom's birthday and we had a nice good dinner and celebration over there. My kids loved the more rural environment there but just too bad that the weather was too hot over the weekend and everyone gets sweaty and smelly easily! You can imagine that!
We had a big family with 9 members and 4 of the siblings stay and work in other towns so it is really nice to meet and catch up. We talked a lot and I shared with them Marie Callas.
I reached home at Sunday night all too tired and thirsty after a long drive. Luckily the traffic condition was okay then. Turning on my computer and check for some emails, watched the Sunday night football but I was feeling too tired by the half time. Decided to go to sleep by 11.50pm.
We had a big family with 9 members and 4 of the siblings stay and work in other towns so it is really nice to meet and catch up. We talked a lot and I shared with them Marie Callas.
I reached home at Sunday night all too tired and thirsty after a long drive. Luckily the traffic condition was okay then. Turning on my computer and check for some emails, watched the Sunday night football but I was feeling too tired by the half time. Decided to go to sleep by 11.50pm.
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